Student Council Meeting

Student Council Meeting

« The Student Council Meeting’s primary objective is to emaciate some massive challenges faced by the Students

« This meeting is held almost twice or thrice in a semester. This is done to gather some gargantuan amount of issues which are meant to be solved in the meeting

« The meeting has been numerous times in the past two academic years and some real comforting decision has been made with many contentions

« Some of those remarkable solution is leaving Saturday for the students entirely for activities purposes and the Zero Arrear Concept

« These are the viabilities for the students, so they could do better in their academic and non-academic performances with versatility and in placements

Class Committee Meeting

« The Class Committee Meeting is totally used to focus to enhance the class’ performance in academics and to solve the students’ issues regarding the classes

« Class coordinators, Tutors, Faculties and HoD unite to hear the reviews from the student of the concerned class

« This is where they decided to give some extra coaching for classes to enhance the performance and sometimes they even encourage a class’s excellence

« The Meeting has been successful thus far and lot of expectations has been disclosed and executions are done according to the disclosure

« This is an important one because a class could be enhanced only if the negative issues are attenuated completely.

Tutor Ward session

« The Tutor Ward session is for all students of the concerned class to give their reviews to their responsible tutors in order to svelte the issues faced by them

« This session deliberately helps every single student of the class to improve his or her reasoning skills and also it acknowledges the tutors to understand their students

« The session enables people to recall what has been done for an interval of time and to agree to the facts that makes an individual develop and discard which won’t

« Some students have entangled thoughts. Those were shared and fixed in a way so they could no longer worry about that

« Faculty and students are comforted and are benefitted so that they could go on with their academic

Quality Circle

Almost all of the companies face problems which today are very different from problems in a past this also mean that the way of solving problems today is very different from those in a past. Quality circles present the best way of incorporating the employees in a search for the best solution for the problems in enterprise.

QC Circle Formation

           A Quality Circle is a small group of stakeholders who meet regularly to try to improve the quality of their work. QC Circle activities are at the core of TQM. They can play a major role in creating a dynamic atmosphere in the workplace. QC Circles normally take a problem-based approach to improving the quality of their work. They identify problems in their workplace, usually related to product quality and referred to as “themes”, and together they set about finding a solution. They use quality control concepts and techniques, and try to be creative in seeking solutions.

           The QC Circle leaders will be the driving force behind the activities. Select people who can show leadership, who can get members to cooperate in meetings, can gather ideas, and can create an atmosphere where everyone will feel free to express their opinion.

QC Circle Meetings

           QC Circle meetings help members to work together towards the same goals. Members exchange ideas and information, get to know each other, and develop a spirit of cooperation and a sense of solidarity. But if the meetings are poorly managed, the activities will stagnate and members will become de-motivated. After a QC Circle has completed a theme, it holds a meeting, referred to as a QC Circle assembly or a QC Circle conference, to re-appraise the methods that have been used, and to confirm the circle’s sense of achievement.

           Members give presentations of key points from their problem resolution activities and achievements: their methods, their difficulties, and their creative ideas. Regular and appropriate evaluation of QC Circle activities will help to motivate members and to revitalize activities. It will identify where improvement is needed, and indicate the corrections that should be made.

QC Circle Training

           QC Circle training is aimed at achieving a workplace full of employees who are motivated, creative, and good at solving problems. Training focuses on the value of QC Circle activities, on raising quality consciousness, and on using QC methods.

           Facilitators should prepare plans for desirable QC Circle activities for the future, and promote these as a component of TQM. These plans should prescribe the level of QC Circle activities, their targets, and concrete measures for achieving the targets

Hold QC Circle exchanges with other departments

           When QC Circles always remain within their own work places, members’ perspectives may become limited, and their ideas lose freshness. Organize meetings periodically with other circles both within the organization and outside.

Members of different circles can visit each other, have discussions, and study QC Circle management together, and thereby stimulate each other to further development.


           The QC Circle problem-solving approach seeks to find and remove the root cause of problems through the four stages of the PDCA Cycle – draft plans (plan), implement the plans (do), confirm the results of the implementation (check), and carry out any necessary follow-up action (action) – Plan, Do, Check and Act.The QC Circle approach, and quality management in general, is based solidly on facts. This means first of all getting the facts, and then, wherever possible, converting those facts into numerical values. When they are in numerical form it is easier to analyse them objectively and accurately, and to reach a sound judgement.

           This data-processing procedure is:

             a. Convert facts into numerical values, as far as possible.
             b. Distinguish causes from results.
             c. Analyse results in a stratified manner
             d. Prioritize items for consideration.
             e. Find solutions
             f. try solutions one by one and observe the results for a trial period. If results are not good try the next alternative solution.

           Discussions at QC Circles also help us understand our co-workers better, to develop good relationships, and, in all, to make our work place more pleasant, more cheerful and more dynamic.

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